WEBINAR: “Becoming a Judge: support, advice and insight into the judicial application process”

5 March 2024 5.30pm Online Register here

This event will be chaired by Mrs Justice Theis

Roshni Hirani, Selection Exercise Manager, Judicial Appointments Commission, DDJ Tahmina Rahman, and DDJ Hannah Perry.

The next recruitment round for Deputy District Judges will open on 19 March 2024 and this webinar is designed to ensure ALC, FLBA and Resolution members who are thinking about applying for a judicial role feel supported and well prepared to do so. This webinar will include an introduction from Mrs Justice Theis, we will then hear from Roshni Hirani the Selection Exercise Manger at the Judicial Appointments Commission providing members an overview of the competition process and advice on making strong applications followed by talks from DDJ Rahman and DDJ Perry on their routes to, and tips on the application for, judicial appointment.

There will also be the opportunity to ask questions of the panel, questions will only be seen by the panel and can therefore be put anonymously.

Please note that this event is available to members of the ALC, FLBA and Resolution members.

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